Thursday, July 7, 2011

Live In The Moment by David Haas

A fellow blogger emailed me and asked if I would post this on our blog, I've read it and I'm more than happy to do so. The article has a great message and referrs to mesothelioma, but can be applied to any cancer or really any persons life, thanks again David.

Live In The Moment

A cancer diagnosis is life altering for many people. Fear, shock, anger and sadness may over take you. It is important that you don’t let cancer take over your life. Thoughts and feelings regarding your illness can consume if you don’t make a conscious effort to stop it from happening. You can still live life to the fullest, even with a diagnosis such as mesothelioma, which can be terminal. Find great resources to help you through your illness.Spend time with your loved ones.

Think of the people you enjoy spending time with and who will listen to you no matter what. You want to surround yourself with people who make you feel good and whom you can be yourself around. It is easy to become overwhelmed, exhausted and depressed. Fight the urge to shut people out. Let the people who care about you be there for you. Tell them what you need. Maybe you need help folding your laundry or a hand to hold at your doctor’s appointment. Maybe you need a funny movie and a pint of ice cream. Some days you might want to talk about your illness. Other days, you won’t. You might feel like crying, throwing things or laughing. Think of the people in your life you can turn to get you through.
Continue doing what you enjoy.

Your illness doesn’t have to rule your life. Find a way to continue doing the things you enjoy. Has reading become difficult? Download the audio version of your favorite author’s new novel or recruit a loved one to read to you. Too tired to stand over the stove preparing a gourmet feast? Teach someone special to you your cooking methods and recipes. You can supervise and instruct from a comfortable seat while they learn by doing. Don’t dwell on how you can’t do the things you used to do. Enjoy new ways of experiencing them.
Find a healthy balance.

It is important that you don’t ignore your diagnosis, even if it is an awful diagnosis such as an unfavorable mesothelioma prognosis. Pretending you aren’t sick isn’t healthy or helpful. You need to acknowledge your situation, but do not allow it to be the focus of your life. Meditation, journaling or therapy may help you find a balance. Don’t let mesothelioma or other forms of cancer take away your identity. You are not your disease. Give yourself permission to be scared, angry or to grieve. Then move on with your day. Your life is waiting for you to keep living it! Each day is filled with moments for you to enjoy.

By: David Haas

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