Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Treatment #3

No, I'm not throwing out gang signs. Treatment #3 (July 18th) went pretty good. my neuropathy kicks in pretty quick and I hate it. I feel so weird. It does weird things to my eyes. My eyes cloud when you stand up too fast. But I don't get light headed, my eyes just cloud over and it lasted longer this time than last treatment. It's pretty scary and I hope it doesn't get worse every treatment.
We did meet with the Dr before infusion to ask about a Marinol prescription and talk about how my eyes cloud over. We are going to give this Marinol a try. For those of you that don't know what this is, it's a medical marijuana type pill. It doesn't have the actual drug in it so you don't get a high off of it. It just helps with my appetite and nausea. I'm willing to give it a try. I hope I explained that right.
 I felt pretty good as I was being infused. Didn't get nauseas this time like I did during 2nd treatment.
I listened to my favorite music to keep me happy!

 And caught up on my book I haven't read forever, which I love. If you haven't read them, you should!
Bran's mom has been in town and that's been great. It takes my mind off of things and she's so helpful around the house and taking me to appointments while Brandon is at work. Bran's sister Kailey came up and Dalynda showed her how to do the laundry, dishes, cleaning etc. AND how to make me eat :-) She is staying with us for 3 weeks so that will be nice not being alone all day. So after 3 weeks, I'm back to being if anyone wants to come stay with us or come hang out please do!
I've been eating better this time around. Trying different juices and some I love and some....not so much. I try to eat every 2 hours and keep fluids in me all day. That has been helpful with feeling nauseas. My cousin also sent me some queasy pops and  they seem to help!
So I've lost 15 pounds since everything started. It's stupid and I hate it. I'm about 102 right now. My clothes were literally hanging on me. I was constantly pulling up my pants. So I broke down and bought a new pair of pants. They are a size 3...yep I'm 12 years old again. Just praying I won't  go below 100 pounds.
Here is a better picture of my port. It's so ugly! It pops out so much because I have zero fat on me. I can't wait for everything to be over, go back to my normal weight and life!


megan said...

I so wish I could come visit you right now! I hope this time around is easier for you, so far it sounds like it is better.

I was asking my mom one time if she were to be prescribed medical marijuana would she use it/take it? She said she would, that every drug is illegal if not used properly and marijuana is no different, if it is prescribed to you. (It was a hypothetical question, she doesn't need to take anything like that). Anyway I thought about that and decided she was right. It just reminded me when you you were talking about your marijuana type pills. I hope they help you to feel better.

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I'm following your incredible story and hoping/praying for the best. We check for updates (and would love more!) frequently. You are a doll and we hope the best for you!

~The Harwards

mindy said...

wow you are a trooper! thats nice that they make queasy pops- and that they prescribed something too! hope it helps! u look happier than #2, but hope the after effects stop getting worse! hope all the best for you!

Devry said...

im coming october 8th til the 16th! fall break and we (mom) are packing the kids up and coming!!!!!!! mom doesnt know yet. so you can tell her.

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

I'm glad to hear #3 went a little better. Hope the new meds help you feel better!

Erica said...

And you continue to amaze and inspire me...I love your sweet face, and I'm so glad you are figuring out some ways to keep food/liquids down! We should go shopping...I've never quite made it out of the 12 year old section!! Love you Jillyn

Terin Renee said...

Oh my beautiful friend, I love you. I am glad this treatment went better. I hope the Dr has some helpful things for you. I miss you a lot and wish we were closer. I really really do. I am so glad you have someone up there to keep you company while Brandon is gone. I also think you look so cute. Love that shirt and your new pants. Hey! We can be 12 years old again together! Yay for being ridiculously skinny when you don't want to and you can't do anything about it!!! Go us!!!! Anyway...I love you and can't wait to see you again. I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!! Love you!

Terin Renee said...

ha. and I am obviously not Terin's man...

Adrie said...

I am glad you are doing better. You are such a doll! I think about you often and I hope that if you ever need anything you will let me know. Oh and I think you should ask about real marijuana, why take the stuff if you can't even get high, haha!

Anonymous said...

i was actually going to suggest marijuana a while ago but wasn't sure if you'd be down with that so...
anyway, glad you are giving thc pills a shot. you know, pain killers that you are prescribed are opioids...kinda like heroin. marijuana isn't the devil if you are using it for a prescribed purpose, just like any other prescription!

good luck

Rally4Good said...

Hi Jillyn! I think we finally get to meet tomorrow! I feel like I know you...I love your spirit and are going to beat this! I love your are a gifted writer! Looking forward to tomorrow...Laurie Knaphus, Rally4Good