Monday, May 23, 2011

going home!

Finally day 10...I got to go home! Went home Saturday May 21st 2011. Happy birthday to Brandon! He was so excited to have me home and I was so excited to go home! I had an ultrasound that morning and they found a blood clot in my arm right above my picc line. They quickly took that out and sent me home with lots of Lovenox (blood thinner). Brandon is excited to have some payback! I've been giving him Humira shots twice a month for his Crohn's. He does it twice a day! He has been so brave with this. I can't believe he does it. He almost faints at the site of a needle. What a man! I've just been resting and loving having both moms here! It'll be sad when they go home :-( We meet up with an Oncologist sometime in the next week to figure out details. We have a homehealth nurse that comes every 3 days to change out my wound vac. We'll keep you all updated! Thank you for all the kind letters, texts and visits! You're all amazing!


jon♥kara said...

Wow Jillyn you are so amazing! What a crazy journey but you seem like you have the best attitude and it must really feel good to start healing the pain you've had for so long. You are definitely in our prayers. I hope you have a quick recovery!

Justin said...

We are all praying for you and wish you the best. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.


Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Glad to hear you're home. Keeping you in my thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Wow, deja vu! I as well have been afflicted with the big C. But am cancer free and doing great! I also got a DVT in my arm from my picc line and had to go through the Lovenox shots and 3 months of blood thinners. YOU CAN DO IT! I love your attitude! You're a fighter and that is the battle! Too many people just give up. Good for you! And God Bless! Oh I was a friend of Shellee in High School. I don't know what relation she is to you but they don't come any better!

Robin Hirsche said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday! You are such a great example of strength. My mom is also dealing wit the Big C...uterine style. She starts her chemo on June 6th. The Dr's are hopeful that 6 rounds will kill it all. I will keep you in my prayers. Hang in there! Robin

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to go home for Brandon's birthday. Hang in there girl, you are stong and will do great!