Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We met with Dr Tutor (Oncologist) today. It went well, he's a great doctor and easy to talk to and goof around with. He has a fun personality. I will most likely start IV chemo next week. It depends on my wound vac. I had it changed today and it looks great! In fact the nurse couldn't decide if she should leave the vac off or put it back on for a day or two more...she has to talk to Dr Lichti before she can officially take it off. So it's possible it'll be off tomorrow! Anyway, so once that comes off I can officially start chemo. I will either get my portacath (info & picture here) on Tuesday or Thursday of next week. That depends on Dr Lichti's schedule. They'll start chemo the same day they put the cath in. In fact they'll start chemo while I'm still unconscious! That's kinda nice! The cath is so they don't have to poke me EVERY time I go in. I will go 2 days on chemo and then 12 days off, for 6 months. 90% of patients relapse in the first 2 years...I refuse! haha! I'm gonna go strong and beat this!
I may get neuropathy temporarily (tingling/numbness in hands and feet). It is possible that could stay permanently...I just have to talk to the Dr and let him know how I'm doing with that and he'll adjust the medication accordingly. They said with neuropathy, cold things could be painful. Example: cold drinks to touch sting really bad...they definitely recommend I don't drink/eat anything cold cause it'll burn my throat. They said room temp is best! Which is fine because I don't like ice and cold things anyways. Thank goodness I'm starting this in the summer time! Winter is gonna suck. They said patients complain about breathing in the cold air and it burning. They recommend I put gloves/mittens right inside the fridge so I remember to put them on before grabbing cold stuff. Oh boy, this should be interesting! Good news is, I won't lose my hair (boom shaka-laka!!!) I shouldn't be nausea's with therapy which I'm so excited about! I was so worried about that with work. The best news is (drum role.....) We can still have bebe's after!!! We don't even have to freeze eggs! We were so nervous we would have to freeze some and really empty the bank account! Sweet blessings!
I think I covered most things, but if you have questions, ask away and I'll answer them with an updated response.
Again we just want to thank everyone! The texts never stop coming! I am so blessed to have great family and friends! Thank you for all of the visits and for those who have donated! You're all amazing!
We love you!


laura d said...

I'm so glad! Sounds like some good news with all the not-so-good you've been getting. We still pray for you all the time! you are awesome!!

JaNae said...

Jillyn I wish I had a fraction of your positive attitude! I was whining and complaining about waking up early this morning. You definitely put things in perspective for me. And I just know you are going to kick cancers bum bum ;)

Johnstuns! said...

I'm so excited that you can have "bebes" without any extra hassle. You're amazing and such a great example to me in so many ways! When can you start trying again?? :) so happy for the many blessings you are receiving!

Rachel said...

Your are so tough, you are gonna kick cancer's trash! I am sorry you are having to go through this though! I am glad you have your doggies to give you extra love!

Margaret said...

Hang in there, Jillyn. I think about you every day and hope that your treatments go well and that you can kick this!!! Be strong!

McKayJoice said...

Um, WHAT?!? I had no idea! How did I have no idea? This is so crazy.

And I'm glad to hear that you can still have babies. . But, honestly if anyone had to loose their hair it would be you, you would rock that. So I'm sorry you have to keep your hair.

This is blowing my mind. I love that you are blogging about it. I'll be reading and my prayers are with you.

once upon a poppy said...

i love your attitude and im glad everything is good with the bebes! good luck with chemo!

Terin said...

So much good news friend! So much hope! I love Jillyn!

Mindy said...

Which hospital? My mom does IV therapy at UVRMC and AF - she can do your portacath if you go there ... she's the best.

Adrie said...

Such great news! I have heard wonderful things about Dr. Tutor. My friend had ovarian cancer and really really liked him and it is Courtney's Dad in case you didn't know. Let me know if you need anything cause I'd be happy to help!