Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It’s been awhile!
I finally had my PET scan on January 16th. The scan went good. Those are always easy. You go back and they put an IV in and push the radioactive liquid into you (kinda scary I guess). Then you drink a huge cup of lemonade tasting contrast, with a bad after taste, then they have you sit in a “radioactive” room for about 45 mins or so. Then they let you go to the bathroom. Then you go lay down on the table for the scan. You’re there for about 25 mins and that’s it. The only bummer is, the hospital is way up in odgen. It’s over an hour drive each way. Could be worse I guess. I had my follow up appointment with Dr Bott on January 22nd. I wasn’t too nervous going into the appointment, just anxious. So the news is, the spot on my left pelvic lining (that they saw in the last scan back in October 2013) has grown a little bit. Not a ton, but yes it’s growing. I came out of the appointment feeling frustrated and a little defeated. I’ve completely changed my diet, I’ve been taking lots of capsule and powder supplements that with other cancer patients have been working to kill/reduce the cancer. So to hear that mine has grown is frustrating. I guess my cancer really is aggressive. That really truly is so hard to hear a Dr tell you that. I’m not giving up on the natural route. Just need to be more aggressive…against the aggressive J I’ll never do chemo again. I’m at 105lbs, and lost 5lbs just with one round of chemo last time. So to me, I’d rather be happy and go sooner than to be sick on the couch for weeks and lose weight and wither away and be miserable. I scan again in 3 months. If it is still growing I’ll talk to the Dr about surgery. So we’ll see in 3 months.  I’m still praying that the cancer will go away but of course if it’s my plan than I will follow it. I’ve been thinking about my life and how happy I am and if my time came earlier than later to go back to my Heavenly Father, I’d be okay with this. Yes it’s a little scary and yes I probably won’t get to experience having kids on this earth, but there’s always the next life. I’ve had lots of people tell me “you’re not doing chemo? Well you’re too young to go”. Yes I am young, but again, I’m happy with where I’m at in life and I’d see my family and loved ones again. I choose to be happy. Even if that’s returning to Heavenly Father early. Thanks for all the prayers, texts, phone calls, meals etc. I am truly blessed with amazing people in my life.
 Keep smiling!


Julie Earley said...

Love you so much Jillyn. Part of our Family Motto is Choosing to be Happy in the face of life's frustrations and challenges. We are so grateful for your example to our children of accepting God's Plan and facing the unknown but possibly scary road ahead with a smile instead of a frown. We continue to pray for your daily.


Marie Few said...

Jillyn you are simply amazing!!

jamee petersen said...

this made me tear up a little but you have such a strong testimony and are so willing to do whatever hf has in store for you. you are awesome and i love you!! dont ever forget!!

Mindy said...

You are the greatest! I'm so glad you're happy and enjoying life .... it was so great to see you the other day (month?!?). Please can we get together soon?

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Jillyn I am so sorry to hear your news. I have been so in hopes that your dietary changes would be successful. You have such a brave faith-filled outlook! I will continue to pray for you and hope for the very best!!!