Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brandon's First

So in creating this blog the idea was that we (Jillyn and I) would write, update, and share our feelings. Jillyn thus far has been the only one to do so. First off this is my first blog post EVER. (I once made a really pathetic attempt at a football blog, which I never wrote on) but I digress. As Jillyn will tell you I am terrible at sharing my feelings, so I'm hoping I can type my feelings out, express what goes on in my crazy head. My hope is this will be therapeutic for me (albeit in front of thousands of friends and family) and help me cope better with this lousy illness that my lovely wife has. Next, Jillyn is amazing. She has such an awesome attitude about this whole situation; she is the one that helps buoy me up. Here is my problem, I'm a worrier, always have been, and I'm scared to death of loosing my Jiddyn or her even being in pain. I've been missing a lot of work to be with her and have no desire to be away from Jillyn; especially when she has a wound dressing change. This whole cancer thing has me a mess, I don't sleep well, and I’ve lost weight (that I'm kind of happy about). Of course we have the Cancer Fund (and thanks again so much for everyone who has helped) set up that has been helping but I still freak about money issues. Bottom line, cancer sucks and Jillyn doesn't deserve it. So anybody have some ideas for me? Jillyn can't do it all for the both of us and I'm tired of not pulling my own weight.

Also one of my moms friends is very talented and is making earings in which she will donate all the proceeds to Jillyns Cancer fund. Heres the link Mademoiselle Jillyn Earings

Please pass this blog on to anyone and everyone you think might care or want to get involved in our recovery effort

Thanks so much for all the support, love, texts, notes, donations, dinners, and encouragement.



laura d said...

I'm a worrier too. I have to have everything planned out ahead of time and when it's something I can't control I tend to lose it. So I don't have much advice other than to keep trying. There isn't much you can do to alleviate her pain or take the terrible disease away. But she'll beat it and be that much stronger. So keep telling yourself that.
And money is just money. Once the bills start to pile up just get on an easy pay program. My parents have a ton of medical bills from my mom but if you're open with the hospital/billing peeps, they'll help you out. They wrote off thousands of dollars for my parents because there was just no way they could pay it all. And then just make monthly payments. They aren't going to reposes Jillyn. And they don't want your house. Money is just money. tell yourself that when you start to worry.

Shera said...

Hey Brandon...Just wanted to let you know that you guys are in my prayers. Sorry you guys have to go through this. I've never met Jillyn but she seems awesome, and has the best attitude! Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

Brandon, I really like Laura's financial advice - it's is just money, and the real assets that you have are your wife, family, religion, and happiness. That being said, try to manage your finances prudently, but don't let it be the primary source of any discouragement.

As for not worrying so much about Jillyn (and Cancer), it's much easier said than done. It's interesting how life changing events can impact perspective though - we should always live every day to the fullest, and I'm sure you guys will as you go through this trial.

It was good to see you this weekend - sorry Jillyn wasn't quite feeling up to the trip to St. George. Love you guys. Come and visit us (or we'll come and visit you) soon.


Romance-Man said...
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Rick said...

Brandon, although I haven't met you, I am blessed to be friends with your wonderful, courageous wife. This is a tough time for the both of you, but together you can get through it.

I think it is important for you to take a little time for yourself, even though you don't want to be away from her. Set up some time to hang with some friends, and Jillyn can have some friends over so that you don't have to worry about her being alone. It will really do the both of you some good I promise.

She has a whole network of friends from work that would be on your doorstep in a heartbeat to help with dressing changes or other things, to help aleviate the stress you both feel sometimes. Be strong, and you are in our prayers. said...

Great first post, Brandon!

We'll be praying for you guys & will help Terin with the dinner.

Hang in there. Jillyn is a fighter & she's going to make it!!!! Keep supporting her and being there for her no matter what.

Jami said...

Brandon...I know how you feel! My sister just found out she has cancer and she is fine with everything. She has the best attitude and it is amazing...just like Jillyn. But I am a huge worrier and my sister says I am too tenderhearted! The way I am helping (keeping my sanity too) is helping with fundraising. We actually ordered t-shirts with the orange ribbon for her cancer and it says "jodi is a rockstar". The shirts cost $5 a piece to make and we sell them for $15. We have sold over 300...some to people we dont even know! There is also a link called and it is a great way to raise some money. Just some ideas :)
Just keep supporting her and being there for her..that is the best thing for her! What people always tell me about my sister (Jodi) is that her positive attitude will make the difference in her recovery and I really believe it is true for both Jodi and Jillyn!