Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dr Lichti Appointment

We met with Dr Lichti today, it went well. He said my incision looks great! The stitches that he put inside (muscle stitched to my colon) were a little above the skin, so he cut the top off. Thank heaven it didn't hurt. I was prepared to squeeze Brandon's hand if needed :-) I go in Monday to get my porta cath placed and once I wake up, off to my first treatment of chemo. I'm ready and excited to beat this and get it over with, and get on with my life and of course super nervous for the unknown. We talked about going back to work, he said he wants to wait till after my first treatment to see how I do and then from there it's up to Dr Tutor (Oncologist). And Dr Tutor already said he wants me to go back to work and live a normal life. So as soon as I have more energy, I'll be back wiping bum bums! ....Ok not really, thank goodness I'll get to do a little more clerk stuff. If I go into patients rooms, I'll just have to wear a mask and gloves. That's about it so far, once chemo starts I'll update and let everyone know how I'm feeling!
Now, onto other things. WORK stuff. For those of you I work with, I've had people wondering if they could donate some PTO to me. As far as I know you can, just give humas resources a call! Thanks! Of course if you can't, I understand, but IF you can, that would be amazing and would mean so much to me! Greatly appreciated!
And now other things. My friends Terin and Megan back in Arizona are putting on a dinner and silent auction in my behalf. We are looking for items or talents to auction off. For example, my sister in law sells on her etsy shop and is donating a necklace she hand made. I have a few friends who are photographers (Brian Clay & Sarah Garner) who are auctioning off a photo shoot. I have a few friends who have bigger items that we won't be taking down to Arizona for the auction, but we'll take pictures and see if by chance, someone will be moving up to Utah that want them or have someone else up here that would want them. Anyways, the auction will be in Arizona, on the weekend of July 23rd. So if you or anyone you know, have any items you want to get rid of that we can auction off, please let us know! Or if you have talents you want to auction off.
Just want to say thank you for everything! We're so grateful for the people in our lives!
Love you all!


Cortney Wortley said...

WOO GO CREAM NINJA!!! You are a Ninja so you can do anything!!!! Good luck with everything!!!

Gentri said...

Just popped over from shalyn's blog. :) you are so inspiring. I love how powerful you are While staring something That is so daunting in the face. Best wishes to you and your family!

Jami said...

Jillyn...I just came across your blog! My sister (age 30) was just diagnosed with leukemia 2 months ago today. The two of you have the best attitude about this. You are so inspirational! I am looking forward to keeping up with you while you win this battle!