Friday, August 5, 2011

Treatment #4

I had treatment #4 on 8-1-11. It started out pretty good. I gained 3 pounds on my good week before chemo...just to lose it on my chemo week :-(
My good friend Erica met me there and we watched 500 days of summer! Best movie ever! I could watch it over and over! We decided to make chemo a good day and watch a movie every time! I have the best friends ever!
 Isn't she just so cute! I love her!
 She is hilarious! She was packing up her things to leave and pulled this mini lint roller out and was like "LOOK!!!" She was so proud of it. It's definitely a convenient thing to have in your purse! Did I mention I love her?
I always have my sickest day on the 4th day. So that's the day I need help, so if anyone wants to come hang out, feed me and take care of a big baby, PLEASE do! I would love some company on my super weak days. Anyway, they take my pump off on the 3rd day and give me a (very expensive) shot called Neulasta. You can learn about it here. Most people get body, bone or muscle aches. I experience a head to toe bruised feeling. But it's only when you touch me thank goodness. I am super weak on my 4th day. This time around was a little better! I actually ate more than a bite of toast. I did throw up some cherries though...and man those burn the throat coming back up :-p My neuropathy is getting worse every time and I hate it! It's a horrible thing to have. My toes this time around burned and tingled alot. I felt like I had blisters on my big toes. They were very sensitive to the cold this time. Sometimes I forget and walk on the cold floors and start running for carpet! My fingers were raw and felt like I had burned he tips. It's horrible! We meet with the Dr. next treatment and I'm hoping to get some relieve from this. My tongue gets the worst medicine taste ever! That is what makes me feel nauseas lots of times. No matter how much I brush and scrub, it's still coated with white medicine. Ew! I try to suck on ginger candies and my queasy pops. I don't sleep much at all on my chemo weeks. I don't want to get hooked on any drugs, but sometimes I just need them. Insomnia is so annoying! My body is so dang tired, but my brain won't shut off and my body won't stop moving. DUMB!
I'm trying hard to keep my head up and take it one treatment at a time. #12 treatment seems like a world away, but we'll make it with our good attitudes, support from family and friends, and most importantly Heavenly Father! Having friends around on my chemo weeks is very helpful, so please feel free to come hang with me...yes it'll be boring and just watching TV, but it keeps my attitude up! My family has plans of coming throughout treatment so that'll give me something to look forward to! I went back to work on July 27th and it went great! My energy was up and it felt great to feel normal again! I have to work 36 hours within 2 weeks, so I try to squeeze one shift in before chemo and then do the other 4 on my good week. So far so good! Hopefully I'll get to stay on the surgical floor, away from the isolation/sick patients. I'm very greatful I get to work and have the energy to do so! Oh, and chemo brain is real!!! I thought it was a made up thing. It's not. I feel so stupid sometimes....ok lots of times. I can't wait to have my brain back, and I'm sure Brandon is ready to have his wife back! He has been amazing and supportive through this whole thing! We can't wait to get this stupid chemo over with and back to our lives! My hair is thinning like crazy. I really want to grow it out so I can have pretty hair and look/feel girly, but it's super stringy and gross. I feel like smeagol. So we'll see how long I can stand this...i may be doing this! (Stole this pic from Brittany's fb.)
Thank you for all the love and support! We are truly blessed with the people in our lives!


Shari said...

Keep on keepin' on! You're a third of the way through those stinkin'/awesome treatments. Stinkin' because of what they do to your body while you're taking them, but awesome because of what they do to the cancer! As always, you're in our prayers. I hope you feel the love!

Christina said...

Text me and tell me when and I will come over!

Jami said...

Hi. I took neupogen (a lot like your shot) for 4 days because I donated my stem cells to my sister who has leukemia. My entire body hurt for those days...glad your bones didnt hurt too bad! You dont know me, but Ive been keeping up with your journey!!

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

I'm glad to hear you're hanging in there, although it sounds incredibly difficult soul, mind and body! Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad you have good friends around you and happy to see you still smiling.

laura d said...

hang in there! like shari said, you're a third done! And that hair cut is suuuuper cute. I totally support it.

stephanie said...

Our nickname for the Nuelasta shot was "liquid gold" because it was so expensive! Anyway, you don't know me, but cancer sucks and I can say that because I have been there. At the same time, I know it can be beaten. You are awesome.

Tiffany Hatch said...

You are amazing jillyn! Praying and thinking about you. Hang in there!