Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Treatment #10

Treatment 10!!! I'm getting so close I can't believe it. I thought the day would never come. It's been a long six months of treatments. Only 2 more :-)
This treatment went really well, it's probably because they discontinued my oxaliplatin a treatment (or 2?) ago. I don't even remember what one ha! I wasn't really sick this time, a little nauseas at times, still get that nasty medicine tongue and gunk in my throat but over all I had energy and even did some dishes!
 I'm so thankful for my friends! Especially this Erica girl. She's so much fun and tons of support. She has come to almost every treatment just to hang and watch movies. We're both goofy so we love to laugh at even the silliest things! We watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off!!! I haven't seen it in awhile, so so funny. We tried watching Oscar, but the dang disc was skipping :-(
Bran had shoulder surgery on Monday the 24th....yes a day before my chemo treatment. We both were sick and carrying around our bags..kinda funny. We're quite the couple. We'll up anybody with sickness at anytime!!! Bring it :-)
Like my new PJs from VS?! Love them.
Life is great right now, we're so excited to be done and get back to life and camping :-) We just have to get through winter now. I will say one negative thing...Ew. It's too cold for me, why do we live here again? Oh yeah, cause we have great jobs and Utah is absolutely beautiful other than the cold.
I'm VERY excited...I get to go home for my sister's wedding (11-11-11 my mom's birthday too) for a week!!! I leave early on the 7th, Bran drives down on the 10th and then we leave on the 13th! So excited to have more than 2 days with everyone. I'm very excited to actually hang with friends this time, and to eat out at all the good restaurants...Elmer's here I come! AND on the way home, we're gonna see all the fun sites and take our time driving home. Grand Canyon!!!
Thanks for everyone's love and support! We're so blessed!!!


laura d said...

I laughed out loud with your "sickest couple ever" comment. Kinda thought that when I heard he went in for surgery. Have fun visiting the fam and the warm! i already miss summer. booooo winter.

Aimee said...

Yay for number 10. I am glad you are almost over and I love your polka dot PJs.